Test for Determination of Bulk Density and Voids - Yes Edu


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Sunday, 15 January 2017

Test for Determination of Bulk Density and Voids

To determine the percentage of voids present in the aggregate material.
·         Balance (Capacity 5kg to 10kg.)
·         Temping rod
·         Shovel or Scoop
·         Measuring Cylinder

The Size of Container for Bulk Density Test


Bulk density is the mass of material in a given volume. It depends on the placing of aggregates, the shape and size of aggregates. Lower bulk density means lower weight and more pore space, higher bulk density means higher weight and less pore space.

The cylinder measure is filled with 1/3 each time with mixed aggregates and stroke 25 time with the rounded end of tamping rod. Remove the surplus aggregates using the tamping rod straight edge and the net weight of sample in the measure is determined and the bulk density is calculated in kg/litre.

Bulk density =
Percentage of voids = Gs-y / Gs  ×100


Gs= specific gravity of aggregate and  Î³= bulk dinsity in kg/litre.

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