Soundness Test on Aggregates - Yes Edu


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Sunday, 15 January 2017

Soundness Test on Aggregates

To determined weather resistance in aggregates by conducting sound test

1.       Sieve 1.70, 2.36,4.75,6.3,10,12.5,20,25,40,50,63,80 mm.
2.       Chemical solutions(sodium sulphate or magnesium sulphate)
3.       Drying oven (105 to 1100C)
4.       Balance Capacity 5kg to 10kg.

For conducting soundness test we need some chemical solution know is sodium Sulphate or Magnesium Sulphate. The taken sample of aggregates are passed through
10mm sieve and retained on 300 micron. Dry and weight the aggregates sample and immerse them in the solution of sodium sulphate or magnesium sulphate. After 18 hours take the sample and dried them in oven 100-110 degree centigrade.
Repeat this process 5 times for one sample and weight the aggregates finally and note the weight loss.

Weight loss =  *100

Decreasing in weight should be below 12% if we used sodium sulphate, while magnesium sulphate it will be below 18%.

If the weight loss are less than 12%  while using sodium sulphate, its means the aggregates are high durable and good against weathering.

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