How to Divide in Excel - Yes Edu


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Thursday, 20 October 2016

How to Divide in Excel

Microsoft's Excel program allows you to build spreadsheets with mathematical formulas that adjust data according to your instructions on an ongoing basis. You must learn to choose cells and create formulas to perform the programs basic functions


 Open Microsoft Excel on your Computer.

     1. Click On :New" at the leftside 
     2. And click on the "Create" button at the liftside

Enter information in the cells.



Format your cells in the column according to whether they are  
words  numbers, Date, Time, Percentage, Currency, Fraction, Scientific, Text, Special and Custom,

Highlight a group of cells by clicking on 1 cell and dragging it with your mouse until you've covered all the desired cells. You can also click on the letter at the top of the column or number at the row, to select an entire column or row.

Right click on the selected cells and click "Format Cells".

Click On “Number” or “Currency” to indicate what value you will want to ADD and click OK.

Click on the cell where you would like to place the answer to your =SUM(C2:C13) formula.

  Click on "fx insert Function "  select your formula and click or Select =SUM(“first cell”:”last cell”) and enter

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