Image tag referred with <img> tag, <img> tag is
empty tag.
Notpad++ View (html code)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html> <!----This is a html tage ---> <head> <title>Html Image</title> <!----This is a Page Titile----> </head> <body> <img src="yesedu9.png" height="114" width="114" /> <a href="">Link to the Yesedu9</a> <a href=""><img src="yesedu9.png" width="114" height="114" title="yes" alt="edu"></a> <!----The code parts---> <!----"img" Stand for Image ---> <!----"src" Stand for Source (where image/file Located) ---> <!----imgage name "yesedu9"---> <!----imgage type ".png"---> <!----imgage types (.tif, .jpg, .gif and .png) ---> <!----"a" is the link tag---> <!----"href" stand for Hypertext Reference, to sets the URL to link to---> <!----"http" stand for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol---> </body> </html> |
The Code parts
"img" Stand for Image
imgage name "yesedu9"
"src" Stand for Source (where image/file Located)
imgage type ".png"
imgage types (.tif, .jpg, .gif and .png)
"a" is the link tag
"href" stand for Hypertext Reference, to sets the URL to link
"http" stand for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Browser View