Microsoft Word allow us to insert Header and Footer in Word
Documents, Header and Footer May be the name of author, Document Title, Date,
Page Number and Article. Please Follow these simple step to insert Header and
Inserting a Header ( Footer)
Open a word
document, where you can see a Blank page.
Click on the “Insert” Button at the top Menu Bar.
Click on the “Header button” in the Header
& Footer Group.'
Select “Header” from the drop down menu, selects the header format that
suited to your Word document and
double clicks
Click on Close Header and Footer to Apply
If you doesn’t find your needed Header Template then Click on “More
Header from” Button, and then click on “Close Header and Footer”
Edit header, edit
header allow us to edit “Header: in
your term condition and then click on “Close Header and Footer”
If you don’t want any “Footer
and Header” click on “Remove Header”