Building Stone - Yes Edu


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Thursday, 27 October 2016

Building Stone

Stone is natural material of construction. It has been used for constructing different component of structure Like foundation, walls, lintel, floor, damp prop, roofs etc.

 It has also used for mega constructing bridges, weirs, barrages, dame etc. The stone that are used for construction purposes are called building stone.

Stone are gradually losing their value used as building material because of following reason.
1.       Most building of these days are being constructed of steel and RCC, because these of less bulky, durable, stronger, and easy to transport.
2.       Suitable, durable, shape able and more easily workable.
3.       Stone are not cheaply and easily available in the plane.
4.       Dressing of stone is time consuming process and result is delay of project.

Uses:  Stone are widely used for the following structure.
1.       As a Stone ballast: stone ballast is widely used for the construction of railway track, for road, for RCC, and for foundation.
2.       Crush stone: Crush stone is used in as substitute for sand in RCC.
3.       As a Stone Block: Stone block is extensively used in small as well in large bridges, lintel, arches, walls, columns, abutment, in weirs and in dams etc.
4.       As a Slab Stone: Slab stone commonly used for face work for building requiring architectural  treatment
5.       As a Lime Stone: it is extensively used in the manufacturing of lime and cement and in various other chemical processes.
6.       As a Tin Slab: Tin slab is commonly using for roofing, flooring, building, and pavements.
7.       As a Thin Slab: thin slabs of impervious stone are used for damp-proof course and for decoration in building.

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